Saturday, February 5, 2011

Same Life, New Story

My days come and go swifter than the click of knitting needles, and then the yarn runs out—an unfinished life! For me, this verse from Job this morning capsulizes the theme of Same Life, New Story. The book grabbed me in the intro with this—“stop and think for a moment: today you lived a page in your story. Was it a good day, a bad day, or a ho-hum day?” and didn’t let me go until the last page, when I was reminded that God’s plans for me are GOOD.

With her gift of storytelling, Jan Silvious uses the lives of 10 women in the Bible to give us a way to break out of the attitudes, bondages and mindsets that seem to keep us paralyzed.

She offered ways to break free of living in our backstory, and tools for us to use as we forge ahead with our new story. She challenged us to know and believe the truth, and then use that as a catalyst for writing our new story.

Sometimes I quickly read, and don’t let things settle into my heart. Because of this, I greatly appreciate the Journal Entry section at the end of each chapter. It gave me a practical and useful way to integrate the concept I just read about into my New Story. I would recommend this to anyone who is determined to break out of her mold, and finish strong in her walk with the Lord.

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