Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

That is the title of a book Eugene Peterson wrote about 30 years ago. I've always liked the title. Stan bought me the book a few years ago, and I decided I actually liked the name better than the book! But the truth of my walk is still in that title.

Simplicity, vision and purpose are also about a long obedience in the same direction. I started 2010 determined to simplify my life. This would also help me clarify, I thought. And it is giving me focus in unintended ways.

I am learning to be alone with my thoughts, and realize that introspection can be a good use of my time. I tend to value my day by the number of things on my list getting done. Often, the list is longer than the day. But the things on my list need to be quantified. You know---do the laundry, walk my three miles, practice the piano, even prepare a lesson. But some things don't go well on a list---think about what I read in Romans this morning, what does Paul mean in II Timothy when he says to enjoy the first fruits of my labor. How does that apply to me?

I believe I am just putting one foot in front of the other every day in my walk with Jesus. I think that's how I fulfill my "determined purpose" to know Him better. I will keep on simplifying, and clearing the cobwebs from my thoughts. I am becoming more comfortable with "just" thinking sometimes, rather than having a book or two by my side.

It's a battle, though, to keep on the road to simplicity in our world filled with all kinds of diversions. But then I remember a verse in Ecclesiastes (7:29 TEV), "God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated." I am daily choosing to no longer be complicated, but rather an open book for the Lord to use as He wants.

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